Personal Reflection

by Into My Mind

This is not class material.

So lately I have been on this crazy ego trip. I think it happened about a month ago when I was talking to my friends Jackie and Kyle over lunch. We had been talking about the most random things when Jackie started dropping the F-bomb. After he proceeded to defend his actions and explain how it is okay to be an asshole. Maybe I took it too literally because not too far after I went on this ego boost. At first I did not notice the personality change but it was not long until someone complained about it. I had become the scum of the earth; I had no emotional connection over any offensive thing I would do or say. However after I took a few reality checks from people today, I decided to do some ego control. It did not really help because I ended up calling this Hufflepuff I know a bitch (as a joke) and then after realizing what I did, I had a “heart to heart” with this Hufflepuff kind of. Needless to say I think it’s time to return to “normal” whatever “normal” may be.

On a side note
I don’t do well with people jumping out at me.