How to Write a Business Letter

by Into My Mind

Whenever I am given an assignment, the first place I go to first is the online world usually through Google.  Looking for information in a textbook or in a library is usually outdated, why online resources are usually up to date with the latest and greatest bits of information that we use to intergrate into our daily lives. I looked through three different websites on how to write a proper business letter. – Owl Purdue was most useful website I discovered. It was updated and had everything I needed to know on how to write a proper business letter and I figured out how to make it sound professional as possible. This page is highly recommended for those looking to start somewhere. – Writing Business Letters was the second website I clicked on and looked as more useful then the others but less useful than Purdue. It has the standard information. Interestingly enough it has a advertisement for 3001 Business & Sales Letters. Unfortunately with the way are with money, I don’t think anyone would be interested in purchasing letter techniques. – I used the last one because it does have a sample and because it was suggested from the writing class. A checklist is the first thing you see when you click on the page. I found it useful to make sure I followed the “guidelines” or a “standard” in order to make sure I do my letter correctly.